Frequently Asked Questions
Who do you use for deliveries?
Local to the Illawarra, we will try and deliver ourselves if the unit requires assembly or measuring or adjusting. Otherwise, we use Fast Track or Australia Post. But we will choose from the above or from any available courier on our website, that can deliver it in the fastest time for a reasonable cost.
Why does my item need to be assembled?
Depending on the item size, the amount of assembly required, we generally try to make the item as small as possible to save on postage, so we can keep the price low for our customers.
Is there any area you don't deliver?
So far we have not come across an area we cannot deliver to. We can arrange for the item to be collected from a not-so-remote address if it works out well for all parties. However, Mack 'n me do try and look after our remote areas, but if it is not viable we reserve the right to deliver if the cost will cause us to lose money on the item.
Do you buy back?
Generally we do not buy back, we do not deal in second hand goods, especially scooters. We are happy to discuss removal of items if you cannot sell.
Please contact us to discuss options.
Rollator brakes don't seem to be working
On occasion, the brakes need to be adjusted. It is important to test your brakes on a regular basis, Look at our Rollator Care and Maintenance User Manual - Rollator for information.
Why do you only deliver your products fully assembled to the Illawarra?
We are Illawarra based and so we can offer a more personal service to the area. Freight costs become too great if we deliver fully assembled items by courier. Being in the Illawarra also means we can correctly size the item for the user if they are the person accepting the delivery. Great relief for family not in the area purchasing for family living here.