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5.00 KGS
Product Description


Size 12cm high under neck tapering down to 6cm at them back of the pillow. Pillow is 42cm under the neck
Foam All new Australian made visco elastic memory foam especially treated to inhibit allergens.
Manufactured Made in Australia
Cover Open weave soft cotton. Removable.
TGA Listed Yes
Aust. Register of Therapeutic Goods No.174455 Device: Pillow

Easy Breather Sleep Apnea Pillow  - Australian Made 

Luxurious super comfortable, Australian made, Memory Foam pillow

  • Purpose-designed to encourage easier breathing.
  • Specially scalloped to allow unobstructed airflow to nose and mouth.
  • Pressure-diffusing memory foam alleviates mask and nozzle pressure to face. 
  • Frees up air hose, improves airway alignment, keeps mask in place.  
  • Anti-bacterial-treated to inhibit dust mites and other protein matter. 
  • Designed to eliminate snoring whilst sleeping and the resulting sleep deprivation.
  • Pair with the Contoured Bed Wedge, for a great nights sleep!

Clear air for quality sleep with, or without, your CPAP sleep apnea breathing mask.

  • Unimpeded breathing environment for increased air flow.
  • Encourages better posture. 
  • Comfortable also for back sleepers.
  • Fits your pillow case.

EasyBreather Information

  • Stretch cover: Allows the head and neck to settle rather than be restricted by a non-stretch weave.  
  • Sleeping position: A simple hint is to move the pillow a few degrees off the rectangular. This will position your chin more into the contour.  You will soon find what is best for your shape and comfort needs. 
  • Softening allowed for: First few nights the Easy Breather may appear to be marginally firm. This is deliberate to allow for future softening and to ensure ongoing comfort and support.