How to use your Rollator
Posted by Jackie McCormack on 19th May 2016
How To Use Your Rollator
Whilst instructions on using Rollators is generally universal, this information is based on Mack 'n Me Rollator. Please refer to your model for specifics, such as engaging the brake, etc.
There are four main activities that you need to perform safely when using your Rollator
These are: standing up, walking, turning, and sitting down.
The following are general guidelines and are not appropriate for everybody. You are strongly encouraged to seek guidance from a therapist for your unique situation.
1. Preparing to Stand Up:
1. Ensure the Rollator is in front of you, facing ahead of you.
2. Engage the brakes by pushing the brake handle down.
3. Move forward and sit as close to the edge of the chair as you feel comfortable.
4. Keep your feet as far under you as possible. Aim to place your toes directly below the edge of the chair.
5. Place both hands on the arms/seat of your chair OR one hand on the chair and one hand on the Rollator.
Do not tip the Rollator by placing too much weight on one side of the walker as you stand.
6. Lean forward until you feel some of your weight on your feet.
Use your legs to stand as much as possible – your arms should only lift what your legs cannot. Use your arms
mostly to help keep your balance as you stand.
7. Do not walk forward until you have tested your balance and you feel strong enough to walk.
8. Disengage the brakes by lifting the brake handles up.
2. Walking with a Rollator:
1. Place your Rollator ahead of you before you take any steps.
Gently roll the Rollator ahead of you as you walk, keeping it close enough to you that it is supportive.
2. If your steps are uneven, its best to shorten your longer step rather than work to lengthen your shorter step.
The shorter step is usually the step where you have less balance.
To turn around, stay within the width of the Rollator, even if you are slightly behind.
Turn the Rollator around you without twisting your back – you should always be facing the front of the Rollator.
When standing in the kitchen or bathroom: use the counters for your support rather than the Rollator, but keep it within reach.
4. Preparing to Sit Down:
1. Stand directly in front of the chair, facing away from it.
The back of your legs should be just touching the chair. Do not start to sit until you are balanced and standing still.
Move the walker a little away from you so that you can bend slightly forward as you sit down.
2. Engage the brakes, by pushing the brake handles down.
3. Reach behind for the chair with both hands (preferred) or with one hand and one hand on the walker.
Do not tip the walker by placing too much weight one side as you sit.
4. Slowly lower yourself using your legs as much as you can.
If you “plop” into the chair, try leaning a little more forward as you sit and bend your knees to lower yourself to the
Remember, take your time. Rushing increases the risk of falls and making mistakes, that may cause injury.